Say your farewell to Twitter Fleets

If you have been trying hard to justify why you should use Twitter Fleets, don’t bother with it. In a published blog post, Twitter has announced that they’re killing off Fleets on 3rd August 2021. With Snapchat and Instagram already popular with their own ephermal format, Twitter hoped to join the bandwagon but they got on too late.

Just seeing the announcement come from Twitter’s official account already shows close to 500K likes. That alone could mean that people didn’t bother with using it.

While it launched widely back in November 2020, it hasn’t seen that much uptake by users. Although the purpose was to get more users to post on the platform itself, it also ended up using the same top navigation area which is also occupied by Spaces.

All is not lost, as some of the features dedicated to Fleets will be incorporated into the main app’s camera.

The rising popularity of Twitter Spaces has likely put the platform in the right direction. It’s been getting more features, as it goes head-to-head against Clubhouse to dominate the social audio space.

Not everyday you hear a company admit that one of their products hasn’t seen sufficient success. Maybe the future is bright for them in bolstering their audio products.

Author: Yasser Masood

Think of me as a grassroots community evangelist. Juggling social media while covering technology/digital trends across the Middle East and crossroads of society and culture, while unearthing other perspectives that pique my interests.

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